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How Stellar Labs revolutionises skills at Animalcare Group

Stellar Labs upskilling solution saves time and money and improves productivity at international veterinary pharmaceutical company.
Ester Forcada
Head of L&D
Cheryl Lawrence-Tarr
Head of Commercial Excellence

220 Employees

United Kingdom

Customer since 2023

Veterinary pharma company

Their challenge

Animalcare Group is an international veterinary pharmaceutical business who believe healthy animals benefit society. They operate in seven countries and export  worldwide. They need to evolve technical skills fast.

They wanted to evolve the learning culture to move away from sharing knowledge and towards building skills to improve performance and productivity. As a small team their resources were limited and they lacked the right tools to help. Until they found Stellar Labs.

The platfom impact

Shifted from a culture of sharing information to building skills. Teams can innovate and grow.

Instead of spending hours collating resources the designers use AI and available documents to generate and suggest multimedia content and practical activities.

Training new subject matter experts (SME) no longer takes 2+ hours because the platform guides SMEs through each stage of an impact optimised process.

Training for new products, processes, skills is available in a week rather than the months it took previously, and the outcomes have improved.

The feedback from users, even those with no prior experience in creating learning journeys, has been overwhelmingly positive, thanks to the platforms user friendliness and its significant impact on their ability to develop learning journeys autonomously.

Ester Forcada

Head of L&D

Animal Care








On going collaboration

When they found Stellar Labs it matched their needs perfectly and continues to do so. Esther Forcada, Head of L&D, comments that when they identify a need or suggest an improvement to Stellar Labs, it is rapidly implemented into the platform.

Get on board with us

Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.

Stellar labs learning transfer platform interface