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Learning Audit

Towards a transformational learning culture.

Change behaviours, boost performance, increase return on investment, position L&D as a business enabler.

Our deliverables


To scope clear outcomes and expectations of the audit process.


Of the existing learning ecosystem.

Comprehensive Report

This includes:

  • Results from the analysis.
  • Recommendations and 'quick wins' for learning culture transformation.
  • A road map with advice on learning methodologies, technology, and content.
Feedforward session

We share insights and actions and support you to take the next steps.

Audit process

One of the biggest challenges faced by L&D professionals is proving ROI. But just because something is difficult to measure, doesn’t mean we should ignore it.

We use Stellar Labs DNA of a Learning Culture for the audit and recommendations to enhance learning impact for learners and the organization, identifying opportunities for your transformational learning journey.

What can you expect?

1. Identify Expectations

For the L&D team to set the outcomes, expectations, measures and roles/responsibilities

2. L&D Clinic

For the L&D team and key stakeholders to discuss business context, outcomes and purpose of learning activities, current and desired impact of activities.

3. Analysis, reporting and recommendations

Feed forward and advice on evidence-based learning methodologies, content,
technology, data

4. Feedforward Session

Presentation of the insights and

Transforming L&D, forever

"Traditionally it’s accepted that the results of training are hard to measure because so many other factors affect the likelihood that training leads directly to measurable, quantifiable outcomes. However, just because something is hard to measure doesn’t mean we shouldn't try.

Research shows that evidence based, blended learning is the most effective way to upskill people. We designed the L&D audit because we couldn’t find anything else on the market to identify and quantify the multiple factors which take into account the science of learning and have an impact on effective transfer of learning into workplace skills.

We wanted a tool to help clients identify the best solution to their problem and measure the return on their investment based on sound inputs."

Raf and Stella having a conversation

Companies that trust us

We're helping the world's best known brands drive performance and beat the skills gap.
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Are you ready to take people from knowing – to doing?

Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.

Stellar labs learning transfer platform interface