Cookie Consent

By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. View our Cookies Policy for more information.

Cookie preferences

Terms of service of the website

Cookie Policy - Your consent

1. Who are we?

We are STELLAR LABS, a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap or BV) incorporated under Belgian law, having its registered office at Grote Koraalberg 11, 2000 Anwerp (Belgium) (“STELLAR LABS”, “we”) and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank vanOndernemingen or KBO) under enterprise number 0735.437.073 (RLE Antwerp, section Antwerp).

We at STELLAR LABS provide an upskilling platform and upskilling programmes (the “Platform”).

We value your right to privacy and make every effort to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and national implementing legislation. In this cookie policy (the “Cookie Policy”), we explain what cookies are, their purposes and which cookies we use. You can find more information about your privacy and data protection rights in STELLAR LABS Privacy Policy.

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small data or text files sent from a website and stored on your local computer. Cookies can be stored for different purposes; some cookies are of a technical nature (e.g. to store language preferences), session cookies (temporary cookies) and tracking cookies (cookies that follow and store your behaviour on the website or the Platform in order to provide the user with the best possible user experience).

The Belgian Electronic Communications Act (implementation of the Telecommunications Act) contains some provisions regarding cookies and their use on websites. The Belgian implementation is derived from the European e-Privacy Directive. This directive implies that each EU member state has a certain discretion with regard to cookie legislation.

3. What are the purposes of cookies?

STELLAR LABS wants to inform the user as much as possible about this new legislation and about the cookies they use. Cookies are essential for us to optimise every visit to the website and the Platform. For example, cookies remember every technical choice the user has made (e.g. choices regarding language, newsletter, etc.) and help to offer the user all relevant services and suggestions. The cookies with their different purposes are described more in detail under article 4 of this Cookie Policy.

If you want to visit our website or use our Platform, it is recommended to enable cookies. If you prefer not to, you can disable cookies by changing browser settings.

4. Which cookies does Stellar Labs use for its Platform?

To use our Platform, it is recommended to enable cookies on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Without cookies enabled, STELLAR LABS cannot guarantee the use of the Platform.

STELLAR LABS uses session, preference and security cookies on its Platform. Necessary session cookies are used to operate our Platform. Preference cookies are used to remember your preferences and various settings. Security cookies are used for security purposes.

Name of the cookie Purpose of the cookie Content First/Third party Kind Expiry Type of storage
tmhDynamicLocale.locale Stores the user language preference of the course management software Preferred language First party Preferences/functional When the browser session closes Cookie (session)
Persist:persist-storage Application data that is stored in the user browser to avoid having to download data over and over from the server User data First party Necessary Local storage, persistent data Local storage
Stellar_lms_token Authentication cookie to keep the user logged in Unique access token linked to the user account First party Necessary 1 week Cookie
i18nextLng Stores the user language preference of the learner application Preferred language First party Preference/functional Local storage, persistent data Local storage
Intercom-session-guxl5zku To identify the user information in the Intercom platform so that we can offer a personalized knowledge base, live chat and helpdesk experience First name, Last name, email, helpdesk conversation Third party Necessary 7 days Cookie (session)
_lr_id_ LogRocket, Capturing of bugs and problems that can be replayed by the helpdesk employee to unblock the user as quickly as possible User ID, Steps taken through the application First party Functional Local storage, persistent data Local storage
_lr_tabs_-bg9kea%2Fstellarlabs-production LogRocket, Capturing of bugs and problems that can be replayed by the helpdesk employee to unblock the user as quickly as possible. Steps taken through the application First party Functional 1 day Cookie
_lr_hb_-bg9kea%2Fstellarlabs-production LogRocket, Capturing of bugs and problems that can be replayed by the helpdesk employee to unblock the user as quickly as possible. Steps taken through the application First party Functional 1 day Cookie
_lr_uf_-bg9kea LogRocket, Capturing of bugs and problems that can be replayed by the helpdesk employee to unblock the user as quickly as possible. Steps taken through the application First party Functional When the browser session closes Cookie

5. Which cookies does Stellar Labs use for its website?

To visit our website, it is recommended to enable cookies on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Without cookies enabled, STELLAR LABS cannot guarantee an optimal use of the website.

STELLAR LABS uses session, preference and security cookies on its website. Necessary session cookies are used to operate the website. Preference cookies are used to remember your preferences and various settings. Security cookies are used for security purposes.

Name of the cookie Purpose of the cookie Content First/Third party Kind Expiry Type of storage
_gid Google analytics Page views Third party Analytics 1 day Cookie
_ga Google analytics Page views Third party Analytics 1 month Cookie
_gat_gtag_UA_47859710_8 Google analytics Unique user ID Third party Analytics 1 minute Cookie
prism_610619696 ActiveCampaign Store and track interaction First party Analytics 1 month Cookie
YSC YouTube Track views Third party Analytics Session Cookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube User preferences Third party Analytics 6 months Cookie

6. Contact

If you have any questions about our cookie policy, please contact us at