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Embedding Synthesia videos into your learning journeys

Incorporating Synthesia videos into Stellar Labs can significantly elevate your learning journeys.

Embedding Synthesia videos into your learning journeys
March 3, 2024
Embedding Synthesia videos into your learning journeys

Incorporating Synthesia videos into Stellar Labs can significantly elevate your learning journeys.

How does this integration work?

  • Start by obtaining the Share Page URL from your Synthesia account.
  • Sign into Stellar Labs.
  • Initiate the creation of your educational journey.
  • Paste the Synthesia video URL.
  • This action will incorporate your Synthesia video into your Stellar Labs Learning Journey.

Who benefits from this integration?

This integration makes it’s easier for people to learn critical work-place skills. It enables the creation of customised, data-driven programs that support hands-on tasks, enhancing job performance. Tailored to align with organisational objectives, it ensures that your training efforts effectively contribute to workforce development and achieving business goals.

Are you ready to see your learning theory come to life?

Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.

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