Our remarkable guest this month is Stella Collins. Learning specialist, author, and a woman on a mission to bridge the skills gap in tech, as co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Stellar Labs.
Our remarkable guest this month is Stella Collins. Learning specialist, author, and a woman on a mission to bridge the skills gap in tech, as co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Stellar Labs. Stella takes us to the fascinating intersection between neuroscience, psychology, and learning. She shares with us her insights – gathered through her 20+ year career in L&D – including both the MASTER and LEARNS models. She also teaches us how to approach our learning in a brain-friendly manner.
Listen to the podcast below:
Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.
Discover how to unlock the potential of your subject matter experts and keep your business competitive and agile
Social learning Stellar Labs
DATEV, Stellar Labs, Proof of concept, AI, Learning, Neuroscience, Tool adoption, Software